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    9.6Tx-FLAT-AA: 9.6 volt NiCd Flat Battery Packs for RC Transmitters. Choose connector

    Original price $ 45.00
    Current price $ 39.95
    9.6Tx-FLAT-AA : 9.6 volt rechargeable Ni-Cd Flat (side-by-side) battery packs for RC transmitters. Choose Capacity (700mAh Ni-Cd, 1100Ah NiCd), and choose Wire Leads or Connector (connectors are $3 extra). Net pricing reflects options chosen.
    IF you desire a higher-capacity NiMH battery of this shape & kind, please type "9.6TX-FLAT-AA-NiMH" in the product search box. 
    (1) Wire Leads - battery packs comes with Red & Black wires, for you to install your own connector.  
    (2) Futaba 2-pin White connector - on long wires; fits Conquest 4, SkySport 4, Attack, Magnum, T6XAS, T6XHS, 4NBF, 4NBL, 3PDF, etc.# NT8JY, NT8JY2.
    (3) Futaba J connector - fits 3PJS, T3PK, T6EX,etc.  # NT8F600B, NT8F700B, 3FR, 4YF, 4EX, 6EX (FNT8F600B)

    (4) JR male connector - fits LYNX 3D, etc. # 54116, 54123
    (5) HiTEC White (ELCO) connector - fits Agressor CRX, etc. # 54115