5N2500SCRW: 6.0v 2500mAh Ni-Cd Sub-C battery pack for RC
5N2500SCRW: 6.0v 2500mAh rechargeable Ni-Cd Sub-C battery pack for RC hobby. Made with premium-quality SANYO-Panasonic N2500SCR Sub-C size high-output cells. These battery packs can be fast-charged or slow-charged. Superior choice for quarter-scale R/C applications & larger. Choose Shape, and choose wire leads or Connector from scroll-down menus. Base price is for 6.0v without connector. Net pricing reflects options chosen. These premium-grade battery packs are made by us right here in the U.S.A.
This item replaces the Sanyo CP2400SCR, which was discontinued by Sanyo. The N2500SCR product is a superior battery upgrade for quarter scale and larger scale models.
Dimensions of 6.0v flat pack: 4.3" long x 1.8" tall x 0.8" thick. Weight approx. 10 ounces.