CBE-102 Battery Eliminator for FT5D FT3D FT2D FT1D VX8R
$ 32.95
CBE-102: Battery Eliminator for Yaesu radios. Fits FT-5DR, FT-5D, FT5D, FT5DR, VX-8, VX-8R, VX-8DR, VX-8GR, FT-1DR, FT1D, FT1DR, FT2D, FT2DR, FT-2DR, FT-3DR, FT-3D etc. (worldwide versions). Clips onto back of radio; has cooled cord; other end is a DC Plug which goes in a vehicle 12-13.8VDC socket. Output is approximately 8VDC, with 2A max current. Enables regular Rx and high-watt Tx operation of the radio from a vehicle DC socket or similar 12VDC mobile power source. Replaces batteries such as FNB-102Li, FNB-101Li, SBR-14Li. Has built-in voltage regulation, noise filtering, and Amperage control.